2012年11月29日 星期四


Bonn, Geneva, Nov 27 (IBNS)

According to this news, it delivers some directions to friendly climate change investment. The initiative which is scale up the green investment will be formally launched on December 6 during UN Climate Change Conference. It is a important step to link with public and private financial institution to support climate change on adaptation and mitigation activities in the future.

In my opinion, to tackle the climate change problem, UN climate change organization looks for a new way  to expand the scope of participants in climate change field. This model reflects the common concern, sustainable, and non-regret principle. Because we can't deny the role which private sector plays in addressing the climate change. More participants more power to face the climate change. Furthermore, even though there are expensive cost to develop new clean technologies, there will be safer and less cost to take action as soon as possible. Most important of all, we will not regret to involve into the climate change affairs. Prevention is the best policy to deal with climate change!

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