2011年4月30日 星期六

Superman is not American anymore?!

It is one of the interesting news today!

According to this article, the news tells us that the Superman gives up his Identy of U.S! Ha!
Do American start to rethink their actions which treat to others countries?! We're all not sure.
However, the Marvel does. Superman, symbolized as the U.S, said to U.S Government that "I am tiring of utilizing the same way to guard our world, especially it is always regarded as the policy implementation by U.S.A.. The traditional American Justice and Truth do not work anymore."

Wow, maybe it is the word which American want to say to the White House. Save your army, Dollars, if we want the world peace, then American can't not impose their ways on other countries.

超人放棄美國籍 保守派罵翻

更新日期:2011/04/30 08:35 編譯張佑生/綜合報導

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